Positive Technologies Accelerates Global Expansion after Record Year

Positive Technologies is to intensify its worldwide expansion as it reveals a 22% rise in total revenues during 2015.

The unprecedented performance was fuelled by an impressive 76% growth in sales of the company’s application security solutions, as well as a surge in demand for its expertise in protecting operational technologies such as SCADA systems and core telecoms networks.

“We are delighted with these figures for 2015,” says VP of Sales “They demonstrate what we already knew from our dealings with customers and partners: large enterprises like telcos, banks and utilities are willing to invest in their security, but they want to be sure the solutions and services they buy are backed by solid research and implemented by specialists with practical experience of their sector.”

“Telcos and utilities have woken up to the alarming level of risk created by vulnerabilities in their operational technologies,” adds Mr. Tara. “For example, in the telecoms sector alone, we have seen a 75% increase in revenues from our expert research services as operators scramble to plug the gaps in their core networks.”

A decision to refocus the Positive Technologies partner program to a tier-two channel sales strategy has also paid dividends, with a striking 104% increase in annual worldwide partner revenues. “During 2015 our partners have blazed a trail for us in Europe and West and North Africa in particular,” says Mr. Tara. “We were thrilled to sign our first customer in Nigeria earlier this year.”

But there is still much more to be done. “Our primary focus for international sales during the last year was to bring PT Application FirewallTM (PT AF™) to a wider market”. “We expect an even stronger performance for PT AF™ in 2016 after being positioned as ‘Visionaries’ in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewall. We are also seeing growing interest in our code review solution, PT Application InspectorTM (PT AI) and the MaxPatrolTM vulnerability and compliance management solution. Geographically, we are experiencing an increasing interest in the AsiaPac region particularly in Singapore and Hong Kong.”

Positive Technologies has offices in London, Boston, Mumbai, Rome, Seoul, Moscow, Tunis, and Dubai. A major expansion of the London-based Expert Security Centre will see several new research appointments made over the coming months.